Cotracks is compatible with iOS 7

There seems to be some confusion about iOS 7 compatibility of Cotracks. Some users may have had problems after updating to iOS 7. Although we haven’t seen any of these problems with Cotracks, we have seen similar problems with some apps after updating to iOS 7. Those we’re fixed by reinstalling the app. We’ve installed Cotracks on iOS 7.0.2 a hundred times and rest assured, it works perfectly.

Samples by Inspire Audio

When i started to develop the Drum Pad instrument to Cotracks, we didn’t have any idea of the sample set that was going to be included. At the time i was just using what ever samples i found from my hard drive. To keep things simple we wanted to include a perfect selection of samples that would take the product to the right direction. We knew that we needed to get the best possible samples out there to achieve our goal. After a thorough survey we found that there were only a couple of designers that had the kind of sound we were looking for. I contacted Jürgen Driessen from Inspire Audio, since i knew his work by sounds that were used in a music project i had been involved in. We got along really well and we made a deal with Inspire Audio. After i loaded their samples into Cotracks… let me tell you, i heard the first heartbeat of this baby.

Cotracks 1.0 released!

Cotracks collaborative music studio version 1.0 for iPad is out!

I must send a humble and huge thank you for the Cotracks team: Jyrki Pajunen, Simo Lappalainen and Ilkka Pajunen for their astonishing expertise! Thank you!

Cotracks launch tomorrow!

It looks like we’re all set. We’ll launch Cotracks tomorrow Monday, 23 September 2013. I’m so happy!

Cotracks only days away now

I’m too busy with preparing the launch, and keeping everything updated takes a while, so please check our Facebook page for recent development concerning the launch. We’ll be posting screenshots and stuff there too. You’re most welcome to follow us on Twitter for latest news.


Cotracks – new software coming up!

We’ve been developing a new music software called Cotracks. It’s a collaborative music studio for the iPad, and it’s taken most of our time in the past year or so. We’ve had some really good time while testing it and we’re very exited about the upcoming launch.
